58 rue Chapon, 75003 Paris
Open from Wednesday to Saturday from 2 to 7 p.m.
+33 6 60 22 25 02

Robbie Barrat

© Robbie Barrat

Born in Dublin in 1999, Robbie grew up in West Virginia. After graduating high school, he worked at NVIDIA, then as a researcher in a bioinformatics lab at Stanford university, before moving to Europe to attend art school and work as an artist full time.
Barrat explores a variety of domains through machine learning and GANs (generative adversarial networks), including fashion, architecture, and art history.
Barrat considers A.I both as a medium and as a tool. His interest lies in how the machine can misinterpret training material.
Barrat’s first show, “Infinite Skulls” a confrontation with French painter Ronan Barrot took place at the Avant Galerie Vossen in Feb 2019.
His earlier work is characterized by exploring AI as a tool and subject matter, making works that seek to define the position of an artist working with AI within the history of art. More recently, his work focuses on using AI as a component/tool in a wider process of creation, no longer focusing directly on AI as the sole subject matter.
His last exhibitions: Late Tate during Nam June Paik show, Neural Network Balenciaga, Musée de la mode Hasselt, Ars Electronica , System Failure San Francisco, ArtJaws New York, Robbie Barrat 2018-2020 à l’Avant Galerie Vossen.


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