58 rue Chapon, 75003 Paris
Open from Wednesday to Saturday from 2 to 7 p.m.
+33 6 60 22 25 02
Robness is a Los Angeles, California bred self taught multi-faceted artist and one of the first to experience and take part in the emergence of art in the blockchain world. Participating in the often ignored but completely vital Rarepepe trading worldwide network, he began to see the first iterations and proof of concepts that has disrupted the traditional art world through the usage of Ethereum smart contracts and Non-Fungible Token(NFT) culture.
Recent projects include the 'Last Confirmation' series, an ongoing transnational collaboration between fellow cryptoart notable Norman Harman and recently having a successful auction of virtual fashion designs through the Digitalax platform. Also a controversial figure, he is one of two notable artists removed off of the Superrare.com gallery for creating the '64 Gallon Toter' which challenged the notions of copyright and its relevance in the context of blockchain culture at large.
Mercurial in nature, Robness is known in the crypto art world at large for constantly changing styles and enjoys the ability to take aesthetic risks on a regular basis. Futurist concepts are a constant thread throughout his work and that of the completely surreal and abstract.
Avant Galerie,
from January 09 to February 06, 2021
from January 15–17, 2021