Artists residency
From May 01 to July 17, 2021

58 rue Chapon, 75003 Paris
Open from Wednesday to Saturday from 2 to 7 p.m.
+33 6 60 22 25 02
Artists residency
From May 01 to July 17, 2021
With the u2p050 studio, the Avant Galerie Vossen inaugurates its artist residencies within its own gallery.
For a month, artists are invited to invest the gallery to develop their work. The residency ends with 15 days of exhibitions.
During this residence, u2p050 will focus on entangling digital data collected on the farm site with technical tools from the agricultural world. The work will consist in an exploration of this farm-system where everything is intertwined, from the milking machine, through the small calves, to the wind which sweeps the surrounding wheat fields. This approach will show the encounter between machinic affects with the functions of animals in order to question our contemporary condition, which is the one of our occidental civilization exiting from the Neolithic era, of a new redistribution of sets of human / non-human relations, animated / inanimate.
A milking machine in the heart of Paris
A plunge into a futuristic world where dairy cows and machines would have continued to coexist without humans
During a month of residency at the Avant Galerie Vossen, the studio u2p050 worked to the linking of digital data collected on a farm and technical tools from the agricultural world to give shape to the Cryptosporidium exhibition.
Since the 19th century, farmers have left the fields for the city and machines have palliated these departures. According to INSEE, the number of farmers was divided by four between 1982 and 2019 and this category of workers now represents only 1.5% of the working population.
Within the gallery, u2p050 proposes to visually formulate the idea of an agricultural system where humans no longer occupy the central place that has long been assigned to them. The u2p050 design studio went to Picardy to investigate the nature of these transformations by focusing on the milking of cows.
What types of relationships are formed between animals and machines?
The research for this project involved an investigation into how cows perceive their sound and visual environment and allow the visitor to blend in with the eyes and ears of a dairy cow. The public is placed in conditions of existence that approach those of the cow, which allows them to feel what a dairy cow feels and hears, down to the tiniest ultrasound, in a mechanical environment specially designed to interact. with her.
This artistic project shows a strange world that the 93% of French people who live in cities no longer know. A world more populated by exo-human subjectivities - machines and beasts - than by humans themselves.