From January 09 to May 01, 2021
58 rue Chapon, 75003 Paris
Open from Wednesday to Saturday from 2 to 7 p.m.
+33 6 60 22 25 02
From January 09 to May 01, 2021
From 17th-century tulipomania to cryptocurrency, the exhibition “From Tulip to Crypto Daisy” focuses on forms of trade, market codes and different forms of art and speculation.
By evoking the speculative market that was the tulip market in the 17th century up to the market linked to crypto-currencies, the exhibition aims to be a marketplace dealing with its different forms of transaction, from the emerging to the accomplished artist, from the classical to the crypto artist.
It brings together works of painters, new media artists but also crypto-artists.
Where is the value of an item? Is it palpable, esteemable? Is it only definable? During the tulip crisis, in the north of the United Provinces, in the middle of the 17th century, a speculative market was racing around the most ephemeral, the most fragile, the most futile, perhaps the most vain object which is: a flower. The tulip, brought back from the Ottoman Empire to the West by European diplomats a few decades earlier, was then enjoying extraordinary success as an ornamental plant.
In order to play with the commercial system and to explain new forms of exchange, the gallery offers the time of this exhibition:
I - The works purchased during the exhibition can be left in deposit, for the duration of the exhibition, to be eventually sold via an auction by another collector
II - Among the exchange currencies accepted at the Avant Galerie Vossen, the euro but also the Ethereum and the Bitcoin
III - A workshop on Saturday from 12 to 1:30 p.m. to better understand crypto-art.
Fabrice Bertrand
How can we make a computer capable of creativity? How can we give it the capacity to imagine and create something new — as long as artificial intelligence, no matter how developed, is still based on our suppositions of how our own intelligence is built, and therefore condemned to the limits of our own imagination?
Comment investir « high-tech » dans l’art en achetant des œuvres NFT ?
Le Monde, September 06, 2021
NFT : quand le crypto-art fait vaciller les galeries d’art
Télérama, May 01, 2021
La Perle de Paris, April 20, 2021
Les non-fungible token, ces lignes de codes informatiques qui valent des millions
Le Monde, April 06, 2021
Libération, March 26, 2021
Du jpeg à l'oeuvre, les NFTs chahutent le monde de l'art
Le Quotidien de l'art, March 25, 2021
Crypto art, le nouvel eldorado des collectionneurs ?
L'Oeil, March 01, 2021
Fleurs et Bitcoins. ÉP. 1 : Les Tulipes d'Anna Ridler
ArtPress.com, March 01, 2021
Crypto Art, De la tulipe à la crypto marguerite
Digital MCD, February 28, 2021
A rebours du marché, de la bourse et de la crypto-monnaie : l’Avant Galerie Vossen
La Perle de Paris, February 03, 2021
Télérama, January 20, 2021
Soon, at l'Avant Galerie.
Victor Charpiat, lawyer at the Paris Bar and expert in Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, will enlighten you on the mysterious world of blockchain and crypto
This conference is organised by l'Avant Galerie.
Avant Galerie, Paris,
Saturdays from 1 to 12.30 p.m, Albertine Meunier offers introductory crypto art workshops.
How it works ? Buy and publish works on crypto art platforms.
Crypto art is a rich and prolix universe of digital creation. Creating and collecting digital artworks for sale in the crypto art market is a snap. And yet, as often, it's the beginnings that are a bit complicated.
Avant Galerie, Paris,
from January 09 to March 06, 2021