58 rue Chapon, 75003 Paris
Open from Wednesday to Saturday from 2 to 7 p.m.
+33 6 60 22 25 02


From February 18–28, 2023

Robbie BARRAT, 2018 - 2020

Robbie Barrat

AI Generated Nude Portrait #9 © Robbie Barrat
Robbie Barrat a pioneer of art created with artificial intelligence programs and a precorsor artist of digital art sold as NFT.

In 2018, Robbie Barrat created images through artificial intelligence (via GAN neural networks). That same year, he met the SuperRare team pioneering the sale of single edition NFTs. The first work 'minted' on the SuperRare website is the AI NUDE PORTRAITS #1. This work became iconic in the history of art, the first NFT on SuperRare and the first work in the A.I series by Robbie Barrat. A double Genesis work.

Robbie Barrat publishes and sells the first six AI NUDE PORTRAITS of his series on SuperRare. The 7th AI NUDE PORTRAITS is the work that makes up the LOST ROBBIES series... also registered in art history for its incredible story.

Robbie Barrat is then jostled by the NFTs market and his works, the AI NUDE PORTRAIT, the GENERATED LANDSCAPE PAINTING or the LOST ROBBIES, become objects of speculation. Robbie Barrat tries to fight to lower the speculation but the market is stronger. He decides to stop selling his digital works via NFTs.

In 2018, L'Avant Galerie Vossen created an artistic encounter between Robbie Barrat and Ronan Barrot. Confronting the painting of Ronan Barrot, all in matter, to the production of images generated by Robbie Barrat, all in pixels, thanks to an artificial intelligence, was the next step in Robbie's work. Making the painter react to the images and creating a sensitive dialogue between the two creators was the object of the INFINITE SKULLS exhibition at the Avant Galerie. The
Infinite Skulls series consists of 101 works.

In ROBBIE BARRAT, 2018-2020 exhibition, Avant Galerie presents the continuation of the AI NUDE PORTRAITS series - numbers 8 to 14 - created in 2018 and not 'NFTized', the continuation of the INFINITE SKULLS series created in 2018 with Ronan Barrot as well as his AI research and creation of this period.

Selected artworks


